As a construction manager, the last thing you want to worry yourself with are labor laws.
Adhering to licensing requirements, along with federal and state laws should be as simple as the work you complete every day – but that isn’t always the case.
So, what can you do to make complying with applicable labor laws as stress free as possible?
Turn to labor law compliance software.
Timeero’s time and mileage tracking software is perfect for construction contractors that manage teams on the go. Whether you’re looking for an easier way to calculate time cards or accurately compensate employees for overtime, Timeero is your all-in-one construction management solution.
One of the very first mistakes construction contractors make is incorrectly classifying employees as independent contractors.
An independent contractor usually owns or operates their own business and secures their own clients. They set their own work schedules, and are paid by project instead of hourly. When it comes to independent contractors, construction managers are not required to track work hours or follow minimum wage and overtime pay requirements.
According to the Department of Labor, “Independent contractors are in business for themselves and therefore are not covered by the FLSA.”
The consequences of labor law violation: JPO Contractors, Inc.
While it may be tempting to classify employees as independent contractors to avoid having to compensate workers for overtime pay and track employee time, this practice is illegal, especially if you knowingly misclassify employees to get ahead of the game.
Just look at this case cited by the DOL.
An Alabama framing contractor, JPO Contractors Inc., was required to pay $90,904 in back wages and liquidated damages to 43 employees for violating overtime and recordkeeping requirements, because they knowingly classified employees as independent contractors.
All of the workers who performed drywall and framing should have been classified as employees, which means they were covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). It would have been much easier and less costly for this company to classify workers correctly and then use a software solution like Timeero to streamline tracking processes.
Solve day to day problems with Timeero
I once heard a construction manager say, “I spend so much time tracking employee hours and totaling time cards when I really need to be out on the job site. Isn’t there an easier way to get this done?” – the answer is yes!
Timeero is equipped with technology that not only helps you track employee time, but simplifies break tracking, mileage reimbursement, and overtime calculations.
Let’s walk through four scenarios that construction contractors face and the solutions that Timeero provides.
Accurate time tracking
I’m in charge of tracking employees’ hours each day. Sometimes I arrive at the site later than the other workers, so I don’t capture the exact time they begin working. How can Timeero help?
With scheduling features, automated timesheets, and a user-friendly time clock, Timeero’s time tracking software makes it easy to track employee hours. And, if your responsibilities take you off site earlier than assigned crew members, we have the tools to help you capture clock out time as well.
Employee timeclock: Each worker has an individual user login that allows them to access the time clock. In the event that you arrive to work late, your crew members can use the app to clock in as soon as they arrive at the job site.
Detailed schedules: You may find it easier to track employee time if you assign workers a schedule. By specifying start and end times, Timeero can remind your employees to clock in and out during their work day in the event you are not at the job site.
Automated timesheets: Instead of having to manually calculate the hours your crew members work every day, Timeero automates this process for you. Quickly verify the accuracy of employee hours by viewing individual timesheets.
Employee timesheets are detailed, displaying time entries and device information.
Automatic clockouts: In your company settings, you can specify how many hours employees are allowed to work before they are automatically clocked out. So, if you aren’t on site at the end of the workday and your employees are trying to earn unauthorized overtime pay, Timeero has a system in place to eliminate this practice.
Sometimes my workers need to run back to the shop for supplies. They might be gone for 30 minutes or more. I’m worried that I’m overpaying for mileage. What if they are stopping by other places on company time? How will I know? Can Timeero help?
Timeero can definitely help with this problem. Through GPS technology, you will be able to track the location of your workers in real time, and issue accurate mileage reimbursement.
Timeero’s “Who’s Working” dashboard: Quickly view the real-time locations of employees that are currently on the clock.
Timeero’s Who’s Working dashboard
Route replay feature: If you want to see where employees traveled, Timeero’s route replay feature allows you to play back their driving routes. You can also view breadcrumbs along the driving route to determine their location at any point in time during travel.
View employees’ exact driving routes by watching the route replay.
I manage several projects that require my crew members to work overtime. I’m not the best at manually calculating overtime hours, especially when it’s time for payroll. Does Timeero have the ability to simplify how I calculate and track overtime?
Calculating overtime pay can be time consuming without the help of a reliable time tracking solution. Timeero accurately tracks your employees’ overtime hours and automatically calculates overtime wages that are payroll ready.
The following features will help you manage employee overtime.
Automatic clock out: Once you define your company’s overtime threshold in company settings, you can configure Timeero’s settings to automatically clock out employees once they exceed a certain number of hours.
Overtime notifications: To help you manage labor costs, Timeero has the ability to notify administrators when an employee has reached overtime hours.
Customize your company’s overtime settings.
Create overtime rules: To remain compliant with the FLSA, overtime hours must be paid per week, regardless of your company’s pay schedule. Timeero allows you to customize your company’s overtime rules defining overtime pay rates, your company’s work week, and when overtime goes into effect. If you need to create multiple overtime rules, check out our help center article for guidance.
Customize your company’s overtime rules in company settings.
California Break Tracking
I’m a construction manager in California. There are such strict labor laws here. Sometimes I am so immersed in what I’m doing that I forget to remind my crew to take their 30 minute breaks. There are a few workers that will take their breaks without being told, but others I have to track down. Tracking breaks is a hassle, but I’m required to do it. What tools does Timeero have for California managers like me?
This is a tough place to be in the construction industry. Not only are you managing a crew of workers, but you are also required by law to provide them with meal and rest breaks. There aren’t enough hours in a day to complete your tasks and chase workers down to remind them to take breaks.
Timeero has break tracking software that specifically helps California businesses remain compliant with state labor laws.
Assign employees to California breaks: In your company settings, you can choose which employees California break law provisions apply to.
Daily sign-offs: Employees who follow California break rules are prompted to sign a daily break attestation form upon clocking out. Workers must admit to either taking or denying their break, and provide their reason for skipping breaks if applicable. Quickly verify that employees have taken their required breaks by generating a daily sign-off report from the Reports menu.
Generate daily sign-off reports to check for instances of non-compliance.
California break rules: Create break rules for paid and unpaid breaks. To remain compliant with break laws, be sure to check the box that prohibits workers from ending their breaks early. To learn how to set up California break rules in Timeero, check out the help center article on our website.
Customize break rules to comply with California labor laws.
Break Reminders: Instead of having to track down employees to remind them to take their breaks, simply enable California break reminders to notify employees that their break is coming up.
Build and strengthen labor compliance with Timeero
As a construction contractor, you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. There is no room for error in matters of labor law compliance. Federal and state laws have strict guidelines in place to protect the safety and health of employees, especially those in the construction industry.
For companies that violate labor laws, the consequences are costly. Not only are they subject to fines and penalties, but the reputational damage that ensues is hard to bounce back from.
If you’re looking for a powerful construction management software solution that will help you comply with federal and state labor laws, it’s time to try out Timeero.
Jessica is a skilled writer and proofreader with a unique flair for crafting engaging and impactful content. Her work reflects her ability to connect with clients on a personal level while successfully addressing their most pressing concerns. Jessica's professional background includes: teaching, social media marketing, and e-commerce. She resides in Alabama and loves the Golden Girls sitcom.