Timeero Review 2024: Best GPS Time & Mileage Tracker
Andjelka Prvulovic
Last update on:
Nov 3, 2024
Published on:
When managing a mobile workforce spread across different locations, keeping track of their time and productivity can be a real challenge.
That’s where GPS time-tracking software comes in handy. It lets your employees clock in and out from anywhere, see their schedules, track mileage, request PTO, and more.
If you're in the market for an employee GPS tracking app that really delivers, you'll definitely want to check out Timeero. This powerful platform offers a wide range of features and benefits that can help you streamline your operations, boost productivity, and keep your team on track.
In this Timeero review, we'll take an in-depth look at everything this amazing tool has to offer, including pricing, integrations, and frequently asked questions.
But first, let’s get to know Timeero better.
Don’t Let Manual Tracking Slow You Down.
Discover how Timeero can help you streamline your operations with GPS data.
Timeero is a cloud-based SAAS (software-as-a-service) that helps you monitor and manage your employees who work remotely or on various job sites.
As it tracks time, locations, and mileage, Timeero fits the needs of teams of all sizes and industries, requiring mobility and flexibility.
That’s why it is the preferred choice for companies in field services, construction, real estate, home healthcare, sales, and more.
Using Timeero, you can ditch manual tracking processes, streamline your workflow and optimize your productivity. Timeero allows you to:
Track your employees’ clock-in and clock-out times, locations, routes, and distance traveled
View your crew’s location and activity in real-time
Create and assign jobs and manage your human resources easily
Set up geofences, alerts, reminders, and approvals for better accountability and safety
Generate accurate timesheets, reports, and tax deductions based on GPS data
Integrate with popular tools like QuickBooks, ADP, Zapier to simplify your processes, and more.
Timeero Features Walkthrough
To understand how Timeero can benefit your business, we will kick off our Timeero Review with a quick look at its features and functionalities.
GPS Time Tracking
Timeero is an excellent choice for streamlining timekeeping and payroll, as it transforms long and potentially faulty manual processes into an accurate automated workflow.
Using the software, you can ditch paper-based timecards or spreadsheets and forget about late timesheets - your business will have accurate data ready for running a payroll anytime you need it.
Clocking In and Out
Your team members can easily clock in and out of work using their iOS or Android mobile devices. All they have to do is download the Timeero app to their phones. Once you add new employees to your system, they will get credentials for joining, and tracking can begin.
Timeero GPS tracker: Clocking in using an Android mobile phone.
While clocking in or out of work, the app will also record employee locations, ensuring they are at their workplace when the punches occur.
Every punch automatically creates a timesheet entry, ensuring your employees' hours are always up to date.
In addition, the GPS time clock works even if the device has no internet connection - the app will capture data and synchronize it once the device is back online.
Timeero Mobile App: Setting Up Notifications
Your employees can also set up clock-in and out reminders, ensuring they never miss their punches.
Another great time clock functionality is entering notes or adding photos to timesheet entries. This way, the app ensures nothing important is lost - your employees can record anything essential to their job and keep it at one central location.
In addition, the Signature feature allows employees to get proof of work from their clients, physically sign their time cards, and verify their hours, mileage, and breaks by simply signing them.
Timeero allows adding employees' and clients' signatures to timesheets.
Taking Breaks
Besides clocking in and out, Timeero allows you to track your employees' breaks. All you have to do is create your break rules in the Company Settings, such as the length of the break and whether it’s paid or unpaid.
Timeero Break Settings
Employees who want to use the break can simply choose one from the list. The app will also remind them when their break is about to end.
Timeero Time Clock: Taking a break
The fact that you can customize your breaks is fundamental; it not only grants well-rested and more productive staff, but it’s also a way to ensure compliance with relevant laws.
California Breaks Tracker
In certain states, such as California, meal and rest break laws can be stringent, and not complying with them is quite costly. California Breaks Tracker feature can help you stay compliant and provide you with proof in case of potential lawsuits or litigation.
So, how does this feature work?
After enabling the California Breaks Policy feature in the app, you just need to assign users who will be using these breaks.
California Breaks Tracker: Daily Sign Off form
Before clocking out from their shifts, if they’ve worked more than 3.5 hours, the app will prompt Californian employees to attest for their breaks by completing the Daily Sign-off form and adding their signature from the app.
The Timeero app will ask them if they’ve used their rest and meal breaks according to the law and for the reasons of non-compliance. Based on the hours worked, the app will also show how much break time they were supposed to use and how much they have actually used.
Easily generate reports for California Breaks.
If an employee states their non-compliance, you will be notified immediately so that you can act upon it and prevent the matter from escalating further.
As you may already know, not providing your employees with breaks by the law can result in premium pay and can lead to costly penalties and lawsuits. Sometimes, not tracking employee breaks in California or falling into the trap of common break-tracking mistakes can lead to the same or similar harmful consequences.
Timeero Terminal Kiosk
Besides ensuring accurate timesheets, the Timeero time clock has a few safeguards to help you eliminate employee time theft.
Unfortunately, these harmful practices happen more often than we think. In fact, according to some studies, employers lose 4.5h per employee weekly due to employee time theft, while 75% of US businesses lose money to buddy punching, a widespread time theft scheme.
Timeero offers simple but effective solutions to stop employee time theft from harming your business and your bottom line.
For example, if multiple employees work at the same location, the Timeero Kiosk app allows them to clock in and out using the same iPad device.
For their punches, your employees will use their PINs. But what’s great about the Kiosk is its facial recognition feature, which requires them to verify their identity using their photo.
With the Timeero Kiosk app, you can forget about buddy punching.
So, buddy punching - solved!
There are other ways Timeero prevents your business from overpaying employee time and mileage, but we’ll discuss them in the sections below.
GPS Tracking and Geofencing
What makes Timeero a great choice for businesses with field employees is its GPS tracking feature, which is more accurate and reliable than other popular GPS trackers. And we’re not pulling this claim out of thin air - we’ve tested and compared the best GPS tracking apps to confirm this.
So, as we’ve mentioned above, Timeero captures the whereabouts of your employees during their punches. However, GPS tracking is not limited to capturing these GPS points only.
The app will continue to monitor and capture their locations during working hours, enabling you to get a complete picture of your employee’s workday.
At any moment, you can get an instant real-time overview of all your available employees in a single screen, a dashboard called Who’s working.
Who’s working dashboard lets you see all your available employees in a single place.
Besides your employees’ current whereabouts, you will also get data on their hours and what job or task they’re currently working on.
The benefits of such an overview for businesses with mobile employees are numerous. At any moment, you will be able to see how the work on the field progresses and who is the nearest employee to assign a job to.
Besides real-time insight, Timeero gives you a detailed retrospective overview of your employees' whereabouts and routes.
Timeero GPS tracking - easily monitor your employees' locations during their working hours.
Using the breadcrumbs view, you can see your employees' clock-in and out locations and all the additional GPS points gathered throughout the shift.
What gives GPS tracking the edge is the geofencing functionality. Geofencing is, actually, setting a virtual border around an important location for your business - for example, a worksite or a client’s office.
Timeero: Setting Up Geofencing
You can use geofencing to send your employees clock-in and out reminders once they enter or leave the location. This way, you will ensure no punches are missed, even if your employees are in a hurry.
Furthermore, if an employee clock in or out offsite, Timeero will flag their timesheet entry, informing you about the violation. You can also set the app to notify your admin if such a situation occurs.
For additional safeguard, you can restrict the clock in and out to a geofenced zone only. With such settings, your employees won’t be allowed to log their hours unless they are at their workplace.
Timeero: Flagged timesheet entry alert you if an employee has clocked in or out offsite.
Mileage Tracking
Besides recording time and locations, Timeero is also tracking mileage. If you have field employees who spend a part of their working hours driving, you will definitely benefit from this feature.
For example, if you’re reimbursing your employees for mileage, you can forget all about manual logs and errors that often occur. At any moment, you will now have accurate data to compensate your staff fairly.
And if you’re using the IRS mileage reimbursement rate for tax deduction purposes, the data Timeero gathers will let you stay compliant. At the same time, using mileage tracking functionalities, you can ensure you’re not overpaying for mileage and eventually cut down on your costs.
But how does Timeero make all of this happen?
Firstly, Timeero tracks your employees' mileage accurately. The app recognizes driving and automatically starts and stops mileage tracking, ensuring all business miles are captured.
Timeero Time and Mileage show miles an employee has traveled during the shift.
Secondly, Timeero shows your employees’ exact routes while driving.
Timeero Route Replay
With the route replay feature, you can ensure that your employees are not taking longer roads and are accountable for their mileage.
Knowing your employees' routes, you will have solid grounds for implementing a mileage reimbursement policy and gain more control over the expenses.
As commute is not reimbursable, the commuter mileage feature can come in handy. Using this functionality, Timeero will record mileage only if your employee travels more than a predefined distance in a day.
Timeero Suggested Mileage Feature
And lastly, Timeero has a great suggested mileage feature that can help you rationalize your costs. This feature not only shows the shortest way to a particular destination but also compares the shortest route with the actual one so that you can easily see the difference in mileage.
With this many employee mileage tracking options, and after checking out many other apps, we find that Timeero sets standards in this niche.
Do you have employees who visit multiple sites in a day? If so, you know how challenging it can be to monitor and analyze their work patterns. That’s why Timeero offers a Segmented Tracking feature that makes it easy and convenient for both employees and employers.
Let’s say Lisa is a field service engineer who has to visit several client sites every day. With Timeero, she only has to clock in once at the start of her shift. Then, Timeero automatically tracks every segment of her journey throughout the day, recording the route, distance, and time spent for each trip, whether it’s between client locations, job sites, or necessary stops. It also captures time spent at each location visited, or job she was on.
Accurately track time spent on travel and at work sites.
Employers can see these details in a single visual timeline, which shows the routes and the duration of each stop. This helps them not only to calculate mileage, but also to understand work patterns. For example, if Lisa’s travel is too long or if she spends too much time at certain locations, these issues can be detected and resolved. This way, employers can optimize their operations and reduce costs.
Timeero’s Segmented Tracking feature allows employees to clock in once and forget about it, while providing employers with accurate and detailed information on all travel segments. This leads to better time management and resource utilization, and ultimately, a more efficient and productive workforce.
To manage your workforce more efficiently, Timeero lets you create Jobs. In Timeero, jobs can be anything - a customer, a location, or a vehicle - depending on your use case.
Editing a Job via Timeero Mobile App on iPhone
Once a new job is created, you can set geofencing options or assign jobs to a single employee or a group. If needed, you can specify the hourly rate for each job you create and choose whether the app will also track mileage.
The great thing about Timeero Jobs is that, besides location, you can also add contact details. This way, your employees will have all the information they need in one place to get the job done.
Employee Scheduling and Time Off Management
Employee scheduling is another big challenge for businesses with mobile and field employees. Timeero's Scheduling feature does a great job of helping them address this challenge.
Creating a new shift in Timeero
Creating a new schedule is effortless with Timeero. Simply select an employee or a group of employees, choose a job from the list, and set a date and time. You can also select the option to create a repeating shift or use drag-and-drop functionality to reschedule the shift to another day or employee quickly.
Timeero lets you assign different colors to schedules for easier visual representation. When you create a new shift or edit an existing schedule, Timeero will automatically notify the scheduled staff.
And to prevent potential complications along the way, Timeero comes with a great option - allowing your employees to accept or decline the scheduled shift directly from the app. Once accepted, the shift will show up in the schedule.
With Timeero, you can allow your employees to accept or decline a shift.
Timeero also lets you simplify time off processing. Employees can use the app to request days off and receive notifications about the outcome when their request is approved or rejected.
Sending a time off request via iPhone
When a time off request is approved, the days off will appear in the schedule, ensuring you won’t count on an unavailable worker when assigning jobs.
Timeero lets you create different types of customizable reports that you can use for various purposes.
Timeero Reporting: Admin View
So, what are some of the reports you can generate?
Report by the user or a group. With a few clicks, you can see time and mileage data for specified employees for a date range of your choice.
Report by date range. Set a custom date range and see all time and mileage entries.
Report by totals. Get hours and mileage totals for each employee for a period of your choice.
Report by the job. See the list of time and mileage data for a certain job or location.
Report by mileage. View mileage and costs for a custom date range.
Scheduled vs. hours worked. Compare scheduled and actual hours for a custom period.
Break reports. See how many breaks your employees took, their types and lengths, for a custom date range.
Daily flat rate by a user. Create employee labor cost report independent of hours worked.
Daily flat rate by total. Generate a totals-only report for labor costs, independent of hours worked.
Week totals. See a breakdown of hours worked by each employee for a selected week.
Segmented tracking reports. Only works with Segmented tracking.
Daily Sign-Offs. Check if an employee has complied with the California Breaks Policy.
Timeero Report by Date Range
Besides immediate reports and analytics, to help you monitor job costs, performance, and productivity, you can export reports as PDF or CSV files to create and manage invoices much easier or share data with other apps for reimbursement.
Payroll and Other Administrative Settings
Our Timeero Review wouldn’t be complete without identifying how it can help you streamline your payroll and mileage reimbursement while ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.
We’ve already covered some of the ways it does that above, but here are some more features we haven’t mentioned yet.
Timeero Payroll and Overtime Settings: Admin View
Besides monitoring your employees’ hours accurately, Timeero also helps you keep track of any overtime they’ve clocked in, following the relevant legislation. For example, if your business is in California, you can choose California Overtime Rule to ensure compliance.
And to gain more control over your expenses, you can set up Timeero to notify you if an employee goes overtime and reaches certain thresholds.
Timeero Timesheet Edit: Admin View
Using Timeero, you can specify which users can edit and approve timesheets. However, whenever there is an edit to a time card entry, Timeero will log any changes.
Timeero Review: Customer Service
We continue our Timeero app review with another one of Timeero’s strengths - its customer service.
Customer service is available via phone, email, and live chat. There is also a very detailed and useful Help Center with guidelines and answers to the most common questions and queries.
According to user reviews, they seem very satisfied with the responsiveness of the customer support team, which solves every issue they might be experiencing.
Just check out those Timeero reviews we’ve gathered from various places.
The responsive team of Timeero was with us at every stage; they would receive our feedback, analyze it, and address the issue accordingly. This way, we were able to add about one or two features to the platform.
Last but not least- I have to give a huge plus for Timeero's customer service. I've message a good amount of times while trialing and got almost immediate response, with details explanations and follow up to make sure I was clear on the answer. They have been available for my staff, myself via chat, phone, zoom, email, and excellent to work with so far. That in itself is worth its weight in gold.
From a customer services perspective. Melissa provided the best account services we've experienced. Thank you Mel!
Timeero User Reviews and Testimonials
Besides excellent customer service, users praise Timeero for its ease of use, great features, and the value they get for their money.
Timeero User Reviews
These are just a few user comments from G2, but you can find many similar reviews on other places, such as Capterra, SaaSWorthy, or SelectHub.
However, to get a real feel of how Timeero helped their businesses thrive, you can also check out the testimonials of Timeero’s customers, such as Trowbridge Custom Floors in construction, Kultindex in the non-profit sector or Power for Change in the health industry.
Timeero Integrations
Timeero Integrations
As Timeero integrates with numerous accounting and payroll solutions, you can also streamline your payroll and mileage reimbursement workflow. Timeero can easily and securely share its data with
QuickBooks Desktop
QuickBooks Online
Xero Australia
RUN powered by ADP®
ADP Workforce Now
Besides reimbursing your employees for time and mileage in just a few clicks, Timeero’s integration with Zapier gives you access to more than 5000 applications. This means you can use so-called zaps to automate your workflow and, for example, receive a notification once your employee clocks in.
And for businesses that need more flexibility regarding integrations, Timeero has Public API.
As the app allows custom integrations, you can connect it with other software you use that is not on the integrations list.
Timeero Pricing
Timeero's pricing structure is designed with simplicity and transparency in mind, ensuring businesses can easily select a plan that aligns with their needs and budget, free from hidden costs and complications.
Timeero offers four distinct pricing packages:
Basic Plan - $4/per user, billed monthly:
For basic time, location, and mileage tracking.
Ideal for businesses with up to 10 users.
Includes core tracking features like time tracking, GPS tracking, and mileage tracking.
Pro Plan - $8/per user, billed monthly:
Builds upon the Basic plan with additional functionalities.
Popular choice for managing remote workforces.
Features include jobs, scheduling, geofencing, time off, message blasts, and integrations.
Premium Plan - $11/per user, billed monthly:
Offers advanced tools in addition to Pro and Basic features.
Suitable for businesses needing more sophisticated tracking and compliance features.
Enhanced capabilities like commuter mileage deduction, suggested mileage, location addresses, clock out when GPS is off, signatures, and HIPAA compliance.
Enterprise Plan:
Customized solution for organizations with 250+ users.
Contact sales for pricing.
Includes dedicated account management, priority support, single sign-on, and custom implementation.
Optional Add-Ons: Segmented Tracking
Starting at $5/user, the Segmented tracking feature is available only on Pro and Premium plans. This add-on offers advanced tracking capabilities, ensuring employees never have to clock in multiple times during the day. It automatically captures visits to all locations, travel time, visit time, and travel distance, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.
Before you choose the plan that will fit your business needs, you can use a 14-day free trial to try all that Timeero offers. No payment details are required for signing up. You only need to enter the basic info - your name, email, phone number, and company name. During the trial period, you can use the support of Timeero customer service to help you set up and navigate the software.
But there are other ways to get more familiar with Timeero before subscribing - a prerecorded demo you can watch and get a feel of the app.
To learn more about how Timeero can benefit your business, sign up for a live demo, discuss your business needs with a Timeero representative, and let them guide you through the software and its features.
Timeero Review: Is It the Right Choice for My Business?
If you are looking for an accurate, affordable, and easy-to-use GPS tracking app, Timeero is your best option.
But, to sum it all up, compared to other players on the market, Timeero is more accurate and lets you get more done for a more affordable price. And with a 14-day free trial, you can try it out and see how it transforms your mobile workforce management.
Timeero Review: FAQ
How Does Timeero Work?
Timeero’s GPS tracking system primarily relies on a mobile app installed on your employees’ mobile devices for getting exact location data during their working hours. Admins can access the software on their desktops via the web or using the mobile app.
Timeero also offers the Terminal Kiosk app with facial recognition. You can use the Kiosk app as a time clock for multiple employees on a single iPad device.
Can Timeero Time App See Where I Go When I'm Not Working?
Timeero only records your data when you are on the clock. If you allow the app to access your location always and run in the background, it will check your location occasionally. But it won’t send GPS data to the server or make any records when you’re not working. Your location is invisible to anyone else.
The only purpose for accessing your mobile device’s location is to enable certain functionalities - such as sending reminders to clock in when you enter the geofenced zone.
However, we recommend using these settings to get the most out of Timeero. If you allow the app to access your location only while using it, you must keep the app open on the screen to capture GPS and miles, which may be inconvenient for you.
Andjelka is a researcher and writer with 6+ years in digital marketing. Her background in social work and journalism has sharpened her skill in connecting with people from all walks of life. For the past 3 years, she’s specialized in time, location, and mileage tracking. Outside work, she enjoys yoga, swimming, and unwinding with her cats while listening to Leonard Cohen’s music.